Monday, September 14, 2009

PARADOX- Too many cooks spoil the broth!!!

Off-late their has been a spate of experimentaion in teaching of upcoming "B" grade b-schools across the country on the front of infusing new teaching pedagogy- the way teaching is done.
These new biz entities in an desperate effort to keep their outfits afloat are roping in left-overs from industries, or at times, courtesy fluke, they may get a hands on a corporate person with decent exposure who is desperate to share himself and to build a alternative career in the midst of his industry career span.
Now the value addition part, the oft repeated stinking cliche of management education which has been straightway abducted from corporate meetings.
These "B" grade business schools have students who are raw and crude straight from their typical settings, ingrained and inveterated to the core of them. Students though, look at these creatures with an awe, finally gets morally beaten up, as finding themselves coping with these industry stalwarts seems to be a herculean task to them straight away. The flair of speaker and disconnected stories with their own reality makes a heady mix.
Also, the faculty from industry in order to enthuse students comes up only with narrations and experiences, to handle any pertinent issues. But, since there is no real motive of learning these experiences have become a disaster as there seems to be no link betweem then.
Aspirations of anyone cannot be underestimated as they know no boundations. Still, the farce in this form of corporate exposure is really disheartening. As noone has ever had a real exposure to either things industry or teaching. Thus it becomes quite pathetical as the bridge is broken.

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